Exclusivity: "The Origin of the World" of Courbet finally has a face!
February 7, 2013
Jean-Jacques Fernier, author of the "Catalog raisonné" of the work of Courbet and one of the greatest experts of the painter, confirms it: "The Origin of the World" finally has a face. An art enthusiast has found the other part of the most daring painting in the history of painting. He explains why the portrait found is authentic.
Press release February 2018
To make the truth come out uncompromisingly and allow as many people as possible to have access to 4 years of research and undeniable proof that Gustave Courbet's famous painting "The Origin of the World" had ONE FACE Johan de la Monneraye, the owner of the rediscovered portrait, made this highly transparent and democratic decision.Remains in the world of art at national and international level to make the obvious ... and the public understand why such a discovery for French heritage is fiercely denied by the Musée d'Orsay and the Ministry of Culture...

Animation of a poem by Feydeau
Johanna lifts the veil on L'Ecstasy and its cutting which were in the secret in Hell.
